Property Management

Cocopah Indian Housing and Development (CIHAD) was established by the Cocopah Indian Tribe to:

  • Provide safe, modern, and sanitary housing on the Cocopah Reservation for all Cocopah enrolled tribal members and their families wishing to reside on the Tribe’s own land.
  • Help transition those families into homeownership, as envisioned in the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA).

CIHAD also provides a variety of tenant counseling programs to assist families in achieving the financial security and stability required to transition into homeownership. Since CIHAD receives funding from a variety of sources and all of our programs are based on that funding, eligibility and restrictions will vary from program to program according to the requirements of the funding source

USDA Program & Housing Resolutions

For more information regarding USDA and Housing Resolutions, please visit the following websites;


USDA Rural Development:


U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development:


Southwest Office of Native American Programs (SWONAP):