
Cocopah Indian Tribe

Administration Department

Phone: 928-627-2102
Address: 14515 S Veterans Drive,
Somerton, AZ 85350

The Cocopah Indian Tribe established the following departments to better assist the tribal community.

Arizona Public Service (APS)

Phone: 800-253-9405

If you or someone you know is struggling to pay their energy bill, we offer several assistance programs and resources to help our customers reduce monthly payments and pay off outstanding balances. Solutions range from short-term guest access and safety nets to long-term crisis and housing support.

Western Arizona Council of Governments (WACOG)

Phone: 928-782-1886

Leading the way to reduce the ramifications of poverty, Community Services and specifically WACOG as the Region IV (La Paz, Mohave, and Yuma Counties) Community Action Program (CAP) was established to mobilize resources to help families fight the consequences and move out of poverty.

Humane Society of Yuma

Phone: 928-782-1621

To reclaim an animal, the owner must show proof of shots and license and pay additional charges assessed by the Humane Society. These charges include:  Impound Fee Basic Shots, Flea and Tick Treatment Boarding Fee and Other charges may also be assessed.

AMERIND Risk Management

Phone: 800-355-2007

AMERIND is a non-profit, federal corporation with 100% Native American ownership and provides insurance coverage for all types of Indian housing. Its Individual Program was created to offer affordable coverage for Native American homeowners and tenants to protect their homes and personal property. Please contact AMERIND directly if you are interested in receiving a quote based on your own needs.

Yuma County Area Transit (YCAT)

Phone: 928-783-2235

The Yuma County Intergovernmental Public Transportation Authority (YCIPTA) is proud to provide Yuma County Area Transit (YCAT) fixed route, vanpool and YCAT OnCall demand responsive bus service throughout southwestern Yuma County including the cities of Yuma, San Luis, Somerton, Town of Wellton, Cocopah Indian Reservation and unincorporated communities of Yuma County, including Gadsden, Fortuna Foothills and Ligurta.



Does CIHAD have emergency housing?

No, CIHAD does not have emergency housing, but is welcome to fill out Low Rent and USDA applications located in the main lobby of CIHAD.


Does CIHAD have APS assistance; rental assistance or Mortgage assistance?

No, CIHAD does not have APS , rental or Mortgage assistance contact Western Arizona Council of Government(WACOG)


Does CIHAD do online Rental applications?

No, CIHAD does not do online Rental Applications


Does CIHAD mail off Rental Applications?

Yes, CIHAD does mail application please call the front office at 928-627-8863; Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. and provide the mailing address to where you are requesting the applications to be mail to.


Can you apply for a rental if you have a previous balance with CIHAD?

Yes, you can apply after making payment in full or after making payments arrangements with CIHAD.


Do I need to have children or a family in order to apply for rental?

No , you don’t need to have children to apply for a rental, and one person is considered a family.


Does CIHAD provide cleaning supplies?

No, CIHAD does not provide cleaning supplies


How can I make my rent payments?

CIHAD takes money orders, checks, cash. CIHAD does not take online payments


How can I add another adult to my household composition?

Come into or call the CIHAD office and speak to one of the Residential Specialist


How can I put in a complaint on our tenants?

Come into the office and speak to one of the Residential Specialist